license: © all rights reserved
released 24 August 2023
I don't remember too many of the details now, but sometime around the turn of the century, I contacted Christopher Wilson about doing some remixes for his, then, music project - Butt Terry. I believe he'd posted in an online forum asking for any interested parties to do some remixes.
True to my modus operandi when doing any remixes, I cover them in my greasy fingerprints - often reconstructing the originals in a very different way and adding plenty of my own sounds.
The original 'Christian Salveson' is a broody downbeat synth number with cryptic vocals from EJ. I reworked it quite drastically. 'Emily' features in two mixes here - both of which depart significantly from the original version. The ambient mix is by far my favourite and is shadowy and broody.
As is the case with so much online interaction and music, links get broken, reasons forgotten, and originals get lost. I thought I'd lost these tracks until they resurfaced on old backup media. Chris has provided his permission for me to upload them here.
'Christian Salvesen' (Wilson).
Original version of 'Christian Salveson' by Christopher Wilson of Deliberate. Vox by EJ. Deliberate was: Christopher Wilson, Esther Johnson. Composed, produced, and mixed by Christopher Wilson 2007.
Recorded and mixed at Signa Sound and Red Room Studio, Brighton. Vox recorded by Stuart Troop. Signatura Recordings 2007. Remixed by Amberlucent in 2007, with additional mastering in 2023.
'Emily' (Kirk/Peck/Wilson).
Original version of 'Emily' by Butt Terry, 2001. Butt Terry was: Uncle Chris, Steve Peck, Laurence Kirk. Remixed in August 2003 by Amberlucent (previously named Vexplate in 2003), with additional mastering in 2023.
'Sloanestruck' (Kirk/Peck/Wilson).
Original version of 'Sloanestruck' by Butt Terry, 2001. Remixed in August 2003 by Amberlucent, with additional mastering in 2023.
These remixes by Amberlucent, using samples provided by Christopher Wilson. Additional samples and sounds by Amberlucent. Mixing and mastering by Amberlucent, with additional mastering in 2023.
Cover design by Amberlucent.